Sunday, September 11, 2016


Welcome to my blog. I am a high school English teacher, and will be applying these studies and developing skills in my classroom with 11th graders.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carolyn,
    This is a repeat class for me as I withdrew this March conflict of work and college classes. You raise an important aspect of everyday life: one minute we are reading in solitary, and the next minute we are multitasking. Sometime during my undergraduate work in my last two years at Empire State College I do not recall the course title, in my research for an essay paper I discovered the word hyper-individualism. In the journal article the description of the term meant: for example, an individual returns home from work, puts the key in the door, and logs onto the internet goes into total isolation from human contact. This term has stuck with me ever since reading this term. The digital age has connected mankind electronically in mass numbers, but at the same time isolation can have its own side effects.
